Gianluca Minchillo

Gianluca Minchillo

Gianluca Minchillo was born in Venice on 03/20/1987. Creative design graduated at the 'Italian School of Design', in Padova in 2008. From September of the same year , he starts to work at 'Design Studio' in Venice Mestre, where he learns the daily work of industrial design, working with leading furniture companies for exteriors and interiors, decorative lighting and historical glass factories of Murano. He also deals with design of exhibition stands, interiors of stores and offices besides projects of visual design. This collaboration ends in May 2012 to devote himself as a full-time freelance. The project 'Electra' becomes finalist in the final stage of the competition: 'ILIDE design contest 2010'. Since January of the same year, he develops important websites for professional models. The linear and sophisticated style distinguishes these projects, leadind back the web to the simplicity and the power of communication recognizable in the fashion world. At a later stage, the collaboration with Gf Security Group, leading security agency, sees the development of major projects of graphic and web. He will look after the corporate image of all companies in the group and will build the website of 'GF Vigilanza Italia'. In May 2012, he begins a collaboration with the 'Ca' Foscari University of Venice' for the creation of advertising material concerning international master. In April 2013, during 'Salone del Mobile' in Milan, Calix lamp has been presented as project for Siru srl. In July of the same year, he starts a collaboration with the Caffè Florian in Venice, creating brochures, packaging, advertising pages, coming out of magazines such as Harrods Magazine and the layout of the window at Harrods.


By Gianluca Minchillo
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