Patrizia Dalla Pace

Patrizia Dalla Pace

Born in Conegliano (Treviso, Italy) on 27th October 1969 1986 Study-holiday in England. 1988 Study-holiday in Germany. 1989 High school degree by the Technical Institute for Tourism 'Giuseppe Mazzotti', Conegliano (TV) 1989-1990 Study-holiday in Germany. 1990 Starts her job carrier by the family company, the core business of which is the industrial design and production of machines for the metalworking from coil, following the export technical commercial office. Between years 2002 and 2003, she follows the implementation of a new ERP, by coordinating different software houses for the interfacing between all the company areas: commercial office, mechanical and electronic projection office, purchase office, the production dept. for monitoring the costs and the on line checking of the jobs in automatic mode. She attended numerous export sales courses by Unindustria Treviso and the Chamber of Commerce and numerous Fairs in Italy and in Europe. 2015 Starts her own retail activity by opening a space called Natura e Scoperte? in Conegliano (Treviso, Italy) where she promotes innovative eco-friendly design objects, mostly made in Italy, which are chosen for their eco-sustainable production process and taking into consideration their minimal final impact in the environment. She is in line with the Slow Design idea. Natura e Scoperte? is sponsor of the Fab Lab in Vittorio Veneto (Treviso, Italy) for the realization of new innovative ideas. Passions: gardening and natural science, reading, art of making such as drawing, painting, sculpture and porcelain slip casting.


By Patrizia Dalla Pace
€ 535.10
€ 585.90